Kalimba and Didgeridoo: Musical Tools for Transformation

breathren didgeridoo kalimbas

Have you ever thought of musical instruments for more than just entertainment and leisure? Well, according to Breathren, they are tools of transformation. How?

During our Spirituality Beyond Religion: The Afrikan New Year celebration on September 11th 2022, this conscious Kenyan shared his African wisdom with us. Many years ago he was lost until he found the didgeridoo, also known as yidaki in the indigenous aboriginal Australian language. This ancient instrument guided him to his path of discovering more music meditation tools from other African cultures.

Listen to this powerful talk to discover:

  • What a kalimba is
  • How a didgeridoo is made by nature
  • How African music instruments can help you connect with your authentic self

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Community, Meditation

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